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    Home & Garden

    Our DIY Elfa Closet Upgrade (Review)

    This post is a super throw-back as Hubs and I updated the closets in our condo in early 2016 (it is early/mid-2017 as I write this post). I wanted to wait on posting about our Elfa closets just because I wanted to thoroughly test our closets.

    We decided to go with the Elfa system when re-doing our closets because the Container Store holds a yearly sale on the Elfa system. Based on what I could find, the Elfa closet system sale offers 30% off the entire product line. The sale starts after Christmas and ends around Valentine’s Day (sometimes they push the sale past V-Day).

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    Health, Lifestyle

    I’m doing it: PIIT28

    One of my 30 goals that I did not accomplish was to get to a healthy weight. I am a bit disappointed in myself about it as I think I am at my heaviest so far. (I will save my weight journey story for another time.) Hubs and I have joined our local YMCA and we make sure to attend the Sunday spin class. We’re both are trying to squeeze in more time in the gym but it is a challenge as we’re both trying to find our rhythm with getting out of the office on time.

    I do blogilates workouts occasionally off of youtube and saw that Cassey Ho started a new 28 day program that launched March 1st. It is March 6 and I haven’t seen too many reviews about it, so I decided to bite the bullet and just purchase the PIIT28 v1.0 Program. It’s a 28 day program that mixes pilates moves with high intensity interval training (HIIT).

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    Home & Garden

    DIY Laundry Detergent

    (For my impatient friends, just scroll over the backstory to get to the recipe)

    There are bunch of blog posts and pins on pinterest for various DIYs for household items that claim to be cheaper than buying manufactured items in the store. I look at these posts with some skepticism just because the claims of getting more bang for your buck seem too good to be true. However, there is always a part of me that believes that the claims can be true and with enough demonstration I can be persuaded (oh informercials, that’s why I can never watch you).

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    30 Goals Before 30

    Hello stranger, do you remember me? (Wow doesn’t that come off creepy!) It’s been two years since I last posted on my blog. Two years ago this blog had gone through an identity crisis; every 3 months the domain name changed along with the focus that I wanted this blog to have. It took me some time to step back and really think about what I wanted to do with this blog. At first I wanted to be a pure fashion blog, then a pure sewing blog, thrifting, sewing, consumerist beauty, natural beauty, etc! But in the end, why would it matter if my blog had a specific theme? In the end, it’s MY blog.

    So….. what am I getting at?

    Bluntly said, I am going to post whatever I want! Pretty much anything that will get me to post more: memories I’ve had traveling, conversations, recipes, makeup tips, crap I  bought. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! This blog is a medium for me to share what’s happening with my life to my loved ones down in SoCal. I know, I know, SoCal is not that far away from NorCal but I wanted to leave a footprint so that maybe the shy long-lost friend will know that I’m doing just dandy. 🙂

    And what I want to post with you today, is a list that is special to me. I’ve been doing these birthday goals on-and-off since I turned 22 years old and I’m back on again with a list of things I want to do before I turn the dirty thirty (why is it so dirty?).

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