
Halloween Makeup: Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Inspired Look

So I wanted to do a Halloween makeup video just because I see a lot of them pop up in my video feed (namely AprilAthena7). I am definitely not a makeup artist but wanted to do something fun and whimsical but not the standard ghost or witch. I did remember seeing an outstanding video by Emma Pickle’s on a Pop Art look (Roy Lichtenstein inspired). I also had bought a Monroe wig from Out of the Closet while thrifting one day. So the look I created was also Pop Art inspired but from the other mega popular pop-artist, Andy Warhol. So the look I created was my take on Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe. Keep in mind, Dave La Chapelle also has photographed his rendition of the Warhol Monroe (I forget who the makeup artist is) but I tried my best to not copy that look.

For your convenience, I have created a collage to juxtapose the work by Warhol and La Chapelle against my interpretation.

The look is created using black and white costume makeup, Black Eyeliner, Wet n’ Wild lipstick, Red Lip Liner, NYX Sheer Matte Lip Cream, MAC Fluidline in Blue Peep, Wet n’ Wild eyeshadow, Wig, Colored Hair Spray, and cosmetic sponges. I didn’t really do a good job at taking pictures along the way, so I have to force my youtube video on you (sorry):

I tried my best to recreate the high contrast contours of Monroe’s face similar to the black & white print Warhol based his painting. I wish I applied the face/base makeup evenly and have used less black on the cheeks. But overall, I think it looks alright. The shades I used were much more vibrant and more cartoon like; I felt like if I used subtle shades, people wouldn’t get what I was trying to do. I did do a version of the look using more subtle colors and regular makeup (no costume makeup). I was going to publish it, but when looking at the footage against the one I just showed you, the pop-art theme would not come across.

I’m not really sure how to write a makeup look blog post and land an ending… so I am just end it awkwardly with some pictures. Happy Halloween!

UPDATE: I am including this post in the IFB Halloween Costume Challenge. You may check out the details here.

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